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Ordering an Easement Search

When it comes to real estate, understanding property easements is crucial for property owners, buyers, and real estate professionals alike. Easements can significantly impact how a property is used and owned. AFX Research specializes in providing detailed and accurate easement searches, helping you uncover any easements associated with a property before you buy or sell.

Terms of the limited guarantee are as follows:

We must receive the notice of suspected error in writing by postal mail within 21 days of the original order.

• Refund not to exceed $275, or cost of search, whichever is lower.
• Error must be verified to exist in county records. (Provide copies if possible)
• Error must be a substantial records discrepancy (missing lien, deed, or mortgage)
• The claimed record must be correctly recorded and indexed directly against the current owner of the property.
• Property records indexed incorrectly by the county/city are not included, (mis-spelled name, date prior to deed, etc.)
• The record must have a property legal description on the document, matching the deed.
• Records attached by statute or indirect records not included. Record must exist in the county property records, other records offices not searched.
• Does not pertain to typographical errors, tax status, or minor issues such as plat maps, comparable sales, document numbers, zoning, etc.
• Refund reviews may include contacting property owner or occupants.
• Residential properties only.

This guarantee offer is in lieu of all other remedies and adjustments. Decision of AFX/TitleSearch.com is final. Offer void where prohibited, and does not constitute a title insurance policy, title commitment, legal advice or title opinion. All other website terms and conditions apply. May be withdrawn at any time.
What if I have more detailed questions about my specific situation?
We would be glad to help. Our title experts can be reached at 877-848-5337, or email at info@afxllc.com.

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20 Year Easement Search - $325
30 Year Easement Search - $525
50 Year Easement Search - $675